How to Stay Healthy This Summer: Prepare for Heatwaves

Summer heatwaves can pose a threat to our health. However, if we familiarize ourselves with several measures to cope with extreme heat, we can have a healthy summer. In this article, we will explore various tips for preparing and staying safe during heatwaves.

Accessing Information for Dealing with Heatwaves and Replenishing Body Fluids

Use media to check the weather situation of heat wave.
The Importance of Water Intake for Hydration.

To protect your health from the heat, it is important to regularly check the weather conditions for hot weather. Develop a habit of accessing the latest heatwave information through sources like TV, the internet, or radio. By doing so, you can receive early warnings and take necessary precautions against the heat.

In addition, replenishing body fluids is also an important factor in coping with heatwaves. Drink plenty of water. It is better to primarily consume water rather than beverages containing alcohol or caffeine. It is important to carefully replenish fluids to prevent dehydration.

Effective Activity Adjustment During the Peak Heat Period of the Afternoon

Restrictions on outdoor activities during the hottest hours.
Indoor activities and utilization of pleasant spaces.

It is best to minimize outdoor activities or work during the hottest hours of the day, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. During this time, the sun’s rays are the strongest, so strenuous physical activity can cause overheating and dehydration. If possible, it is best to stay indoors or relax in a cool place.

Precautions and Temperature Control When Using Air Conditioners

The necessity of maintaining temperature difference between indoors and outdoors when using an air conditioner.
Set the indoor air conditioning temperature appropriately.

It is advisable to keep the indoor and outdoor temperature difference within 5 degrees Celsius when using an air conditioner, and to ventilate once an hour during air conditioning. If the body is rapidly changed due to too large a temperature difference, it can cause air conditioning disease. It is recommended to set the indoor air conditioning temperature to the recommended temperature by the government. This will help to maintain a comfortable environment while also keeping your health in check.

How to deal with abnormal symptoms caused by heat waves

Find a cool place if you have mild symptoms.
Improving the environment through ventilation and watering.

Light symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and headache may occur due to heat waves. In this case, it is good to move to a cool place and rest. It is necessary to rest in a cool place such as indoors or in the shade and cool the body. In addition, the environment can be improved by ventilating or sprinkling water to lower the temperature of the spaces exposed to the heat wave such as barns and greenhouses.

Cooking Tips for Preventing Food Poisoning

Prevent food poisoning by fully cooking the food

Food poisoning is also a problem to be aware of during the hot summer. To prevent food poisoning, the food must be completely cooked. When cooking meat or seafood, make sure it is cooked through and handle foods that are likely to cause food poisoning carefully. Food should be stored and cooked at a proper temperature to prevent food poisoning. You should pay attention to food safety by carefully checking the storage temperature and expiration date of food.

Check on the well-being of people to be cared for during a heat wave

Help requested regarding someone to take care of during a long absence.
Checking on the well-being of individuals concerned about their health.

During a heat wave, it is important to check on the well-being of people who are at risk of health problems, such as the elderly and patients. If you are going to be away from home for an extended period of time, you should ask a relative or neighbor to look after the people who need to be taken care of. You should contact them frequently to check on their well-being and respond quickly if they need help.

By familiarizing yourself with various measures to cope with heatwaves and putting them into practice, you can spend a healthy and safe summer. It is important to take care of your body and mind and maintain a comfortable environment even in hot weather. I hope everyone can have a healthy and enjoyable summer.

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